PLEASE READ. Failure to complete all steps could delay your ad.
1 - Complete the form to submit your information. All fields are required. You will need to complete the form for EACH MLS listing you want to advertise. Press submit and return to the form if submitting more than one MLS listing.
2 - Upon completion of ad submittal, please contact Al Sheppard at 828.279.5962 with credit card information (Visa or MasterCard only).
1 - Please be sure to check your information before submitting. Limit your description to about 150 characters. If your description is too long we will have to remove some of it.
2 - We pull the first photo from the MLS for the picture. If you want a different picture please email it to us.
3 - Ads run for four consecutive weeks and allow only one listing per ad.
4 - Deadline is Wednesday for the following week publication.
If you have any questions please call 828-301.6011 or email [email protected]
If you can't see the form below, please follow this link