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000 Long Street, Albemarle, 28001

Price: $ 52,900
Taxes: $ 0
Bed/Bath: /
Sq. Ft.:
Lot Size: 1.5
Subdivision: Sunset Hills
County: Stanly
Listing Agency: Whitley Realty, Inc.
Listing Agent: Steve Teeter
Agent Phone:
Property Description
This series of lots 21,22,23,24 having an acreage of approx. 1.5 acres has 221 feet of frontage along an unfinished portion of Long Street. Please call Albemarle Planning and Zoning to inquire on street completion for these lots. The City of Albemarle will need to be contacted to determine costs and logistics needed to extend this already established street. Neither Sewer nor Water Lines are known to occur along these lots. According to Stanly County GIS Planning Maps, both sewer and water lines are located within 300 feet of the property. This lot slopes from front to back to a small creek. These Lots are under an 8000 sq.ft. lot size requirement for building, R-8. These lots May be suitable for 2 family dwellings with modified lot size restrictions. Please consult with the City of Albemarle Zoning for specifics for zoning and land use. The road extension will may be at the cost of the developer/purchaser. Water and Sewer are nearby but not presently to this property.