//"; winhtml+="
"+markerinfo[id]['name']+", "+markerinfo[id]['city']+"
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List Price:

"; winhtml+=""; winhtml+=""; winhtml+=""; winhtml+=""; winhtml+=""; winhtml+="
Sq. Ft.:"+markerinfo[id]['sqft']+"
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"+openlink+"Showing the first 100 listings only!
Zoom in, or Refine Your Search
"; } else { lhtml += "
"+openlink+"Your search found "+markerinfo.length+" listings.
Refine Your Search
"; } lhtml += "
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Address:List Price:Beds:Baths:Sq. Ft:Acreage:MLS #:
" + markerinfo[xx]['name'] +"$" + markerinfo[xx]['price'] +"" + markerinfo[xx]['beds'] +"" + markerinfo[xx]['baths'] +"" + markerinfo[xx]['sqft'] +"" + markerinfo[xx]['acre'] +"" + markerinfo[xx]['upd'] +"
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